To use the search, enter a word or words in the box below and click Submit.
wildcards * and ?
* finds one or more characters.
For example, acc* finds: account, accounting, accurate, accident, etc.
? finds only one character. For example, ?old finds: bold, cold, mold, etc.
To find an exact phrase, surround the search words with double quotes, for example: "match invoices".
To exclude a word from the search, enter a hyphen before the word. For example, to search for user but not see information about user profiles, specify user -profile.
To use the search results:
The search results display a numbered list of documentation topics that contain the search word(s). The first topics will be the most relevant for your search.
Each occurrence of the search word(s) is highlighted. To view the topic containing the word(s), click the topic title.
When you open a topic, the search brings you to the first occurrence of the word(s). All the remaining occurrences are highlighted.